
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Mixed up marriage

Mixed up marriage

"Constitutional lawyers have begun to question whether it is legal for a member of the Royal Family to marry in a civil ceremony. Lord Falconer of Thoroton, the Lord Chancellor, has insisted that the marriage is within the law but senior lawyers have questioned his opinion. The wording of the marriage legislation is unclear and lawyers say that the Prince’s plans could face a legal challenge.

The Queen feels that she needs to distance herself from that controversy. As Supreme Governor of the Church of England she has also been concerned not to create the wrong impression by attending the marriage of two divorcees. "

Britain has an awful lot of negative legal dilemmas and protocols which are marring a royal wedding. Charles has loved Camilla for 30 years. He's trying to marry her now. I'd be over the moon if I loved someone for 30 years and could finally marry them. He is the heir to the throne. He needs to just do what a king in waiting needs to do!

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