
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Car boot case

Car boot case: Husband and ex-girlfriend held. 16/02/2005. ABC News Online: "Car boot case: Husband and ex-girlfriend held"

This is not only bizarre, it is horrible but ,as usual ,facts and real information are scant and sketchy. New millennium news. Bring on the ESP. On a news bulletin they said the wife had been advertised on an adult swingers site on the Net. So? They put her picture up in a pair of hipster jeans and a short top but she was positively Victorian in her look and stance compared with the modern girls. Besides, what had that to do with her being left in a car boot to die? That was very irrelevant. The poor woman had been stuffed in a boot. Where are her children? What's a swingers site anyway and do I want to know? Didn't they swing in the sixties? She was obviously getting in touch with her past. Who cares. Is swinging against the law. I figure if it's a big deal I'd no about it and so I figure it has NOTHING to do with the fact there has been an attempt to kill this woman. It's ridiciulous what is accepted as "normal" these days and I wouldn't try and use anything to try and justify what has happened to her. When she regains consciousness I expect she'll have quite a lot to say.

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