
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Yes, you, we didn't...

Last Update: Tuesday, December 7, 2004. 5:35pm (AEDT)
Govt admits fees will be introduced at tech schools

The Federal Opposition has accused the Government of breaking an election promise to not introduce fees at its new technical colleges.

During the election campaign, the Government announced it would set up 24 technical colleges.

The Opposition says the Government promised that the college students would not be charged fees.

Vocational Education Minister Gary Hardgrave says no additional fees will be charged.

"The fact that there are, in existing schools, a range of fees and charges and depending on the consortia which are brought together there may well be some costs that are already there for students today," he said.

Labor's education spokeswoman, Jenny Macklin, says voters have been misled.

"The Minister says in some circumstances there will be fees - that is a broken promise," she said.

The Government says the fee arrangements will be the same as those that apply in state schools.

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