
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Life in the fast lane

T’was all happening at our place last night. Around 8.30pm there was a screeching car and a huge , metallic crash. My first thought was my new fence had gone! I went outside and saw nothing. So I ventured further outside and there was a turquoise station wagon parked up on my neighbour’s patio area. That moment of truth you always get. I walked over..worried sick. I found a big, young lad, shaken but not hurt, worried what his Dad was going to say. I called out. Nothing. Then my neighbour came through the roller door...stunned. Silent. I asked if he was okay. There is a God. They would normally be outside cooking their dinner on a warm night. The wife had just gone in to get something and he had been sitting next to the patio on his computer. How the boy parked it up there and didn't hit the trellis and didn't go through their wall...the tables and stuff had buffered it, God only knows. Their cat who normally curls up out there was okay. He had driven off the road, across my hebe bush (which is completely pruned now) missed my letter box AND my carport and went straight through the open roller door and neatly up the gap in the trellis fence ...hitting the side back left of their car on the way. How no-one was hurt, injured, killed or maimed is a miracle. How there was so little property damage, relatively speaking…how the hell he did that is beyond belief. We were all stunned but all so grateful: a humbling experience in many ways. The neighbours over the road were standing watching. It was a good job I went in next door because it could have been awful but, as it was, I talked the boy through some of his trauma and anger and got the husband reacting and the wife was onto the police. It was the bizarre parking. The fact no- one was hurt, that there was nothing hugely broken, knocked down. Two cop cars, a fire ambulance, the SES and a huge tow truck…the parents, the neighbours watching. We put on a great show. The boy was totally sober and non influenced. The police weren't sure about his story of being scared by a speeding car coming at him. Poor neighbours... So there you go. Life in the fast lane…and yes, truth is stranger than fiction.

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