
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Can't find's Victoria

The statisitics in SA are similar because I was listening to a report on the radio last week. Little did I know I'd be so close to it this week. On the up side it has made our neighbourhood closer. On the down side we are still pinching ourselves.

Young driver statistics

In 2003, 24% of drivers killed were aged between 18 and 25 years. And yet, this age group only represents 14% of Victorian licence holders.

Chart of the number of drivers aged 18 to 25 killed on Victorian roads each year

Of the 39 young drivers killed in 2003:

95% were males,
44% were killed on country roads,
79% were killed in single vehicle crashes,
69% were involved in crashes that occurred during high alcohol times,
the days when fatal crashes were most frequent were Sunday (26%) and Friday (21%),
56% of crashes occurred between the hours of 8pm and 6am, and
51% of deaths occurred on 100km/h and 110km/h signposted roads.

Note: High alcohol times are those times of the day and week when casualty crashes are ten times more likely to involve alcohol than casualty crashes at other times.

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