
Sunday, September 26, 2004

I feel better now!!!

Apart from losing my analogue clock link..stupid me for not keeping either the URL or an update of my blog code, I feel better now!! I like looking over the sand and sea and I'm hoping it'll inspire our weather to be more like Australia and less like NZ. I don't know why I need an analogue clock on the beach anyway. It was just good to have Adelaide time going , that's all. Nest building, as I said. I feel better because I went on a blog jog tonight and I could see some people were having as much trouble with the lay out of their blogs as I had been last night when I decided to go summer floral instead of cool green. I felt sorry for them because I was getting nice and frustrated the margins were out or the colours were horrible or I couldn't read the font or things were displaying in odd places. I realise some of the classy blog people will laugh at this. But it's always easy when you know how. You can be such a know it all expert when you know. This is why my discovery learning on the blog is vital. I am pretty confident and manage most things pretty well....put me in a visual landscape and I'm not exactly incompetent but I can confess I am well and truly out of my comfort zone. Has it made me more tolerant? Probably not. Has it made me more humble. Oh yes!!

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