
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Positive about the economy

"We apparently feel more secure in our jobs, we expect house prices to rise and we are more confident in the economic outlook."
This is a good article. It  is well written and comes up with plenty to ponder. Inspite all indications to the contrary we are keeping a very positive frame of mind about he economic down turn. It seems baffling. Not really, moaning and being gloomy about it will not alter the facts. Being miserable about reality neither improves nor forces it to deteriorate. Being buoyant means we'll sustain some resilience to march hard through the tough stuff. Reinforcing our psychological stand point can only help us. If it gets tough we'll be ready. If we have girded our loins and strengthened our psyches we'll manage. Being pessimistic now will only debilitate and weaken us and then we'll be short on human resourcefulness when we need it. Finance and global markets are set up. They are strategies. They are conceived by it's a psychological game. You do your best thinking when you are feeling optimistic and strong.

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