
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Next Election SA

"A NEW new poll shows the State Liberal Party faces virtual annihilation at the next election in the wake of the dodgy documents fiasco."
Dodgy documents or not , the Liberals have nothing to offer. No party has really because we are watching an urban sprawl, we cannot use public transport out of regular hours, our schools need upgrading, our roads are deteriorating, the works around Adelaide are driving us potty, our greenness is going and our heritage is being blatantly wiped out. The Greens ought to be picking up points because they are trying to block the new RAH being built on toxic soil in the railway helicopter access...and we all know the current RAH is a good hospital in a good place with a good reputation. It needs to be refurbished...but it is an excellent hospital...but I guess the land is worth a fortune. Prime site. Bugger our reputation and needs. So it will be the party which actually values South Australia because we are watching it disintegrate and things like bulldozing original vineyards, buildings and then the wafty educational  approach and the piecemeal transport approach are not sitting well with us. We want to see our state thrive and even go back to the centre of arts it was...yes, who cares about the arts in SA and we were top at that? So the next election will be interesting because we don't have anyone who values this state and thinks it is worth anything other than to be sold in vast tracts for fiscal gain.

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