
Friday, April 24, 2009

Public Transport

BUS commuters were left stranded on five Torrens Transit routes this morning because an employee forgot to assign drivers on the company roster.
We are disgusted with Adelaide public transport. Buses don't arrive or arrive early so connections are missed. If you happen to start work at 5 am , bad luck. You are expected to have a car in this state if you want to work. Those without cars are badly disadvantaged because no public transport will get them there for early shifts or late shifts. Then you have the lunacy of the one hour gap around 2pm onwards. It is just nonsense. The trams are packed to capacity and stifling. If people want to catch trams they can't because the trams are packed and just drive by. Trains are okay but then they can't meet the early and late shifts  and we have the small matter of lines buckling in extreme heat. No mini buses like in some countries. The whole lot needs looking at and fixing. In the light of climate change we need to be using public transport. Ours is a complete travesty and there are only a few runs which are safe. It is wrong to be living where you cannot reliably get to work unless you have a car.It is sheer and utter nonsense...but it is also a social justice and equity issue.

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