
Monday, April 06, 2009

Flexible Working Hours

"Millions of parents with older children are now able to ask employers for flexible work arrangements, rather than just those with children under six."
The British changes are aimed at creating a work/life balance. Parents are often torn between commitments to their childrena nd commitments to their job. In certain respects the labour intensive years of bringing up a family should be dealt with in a more flexible way. We want children to be looked after. We want them to be responsible and we want them to be socialised. All this means they need to be guided through their developmental years. Parents also need to have some of the strain taken off them. It can be so hard when children are sick or they have commitments to sport or other interests. you feel awful and run ragged during those years, so parental health often suffers. It will be great to know if the measures dicussed in the article have a positive impact all round.

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