
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Blitz

"In just 12 hours, five drivers returned positive tests for drugs and 72 drink drivers were caught - 43 of those losing their licences on the spot."
I was driving my sister home on Saturday and you could see the bright lights a mile many flashing lights. I didn't do a U turn like some...I just waited and made sure I didn't run over the police man. Last time the police man walked out in front of the car and damn near gave me a heart attack. This time he stood on the median strip and just ushered me into the queue...and they are always so surprised when I get a zero reading. I drink tea! A nice champagne on Christmas day  and the rest of the year , tea. Last time they made me do it again. This time I was set free. So then I was at my sister's for a while...and realised I'd probably be picked up on the way home. There they were again...the flashing lights and a lot more people doing U turns or turning off before the breathalyser station. I hope they have cars there in the back ground to catch the ones who just don't go through it. So this time I thought, I am ready...and the police just stood at the side of the road and let me pass. Hoorah!!! I hate breathalysers even if I don't drink. I am glad they have been out doing their bit to try and stop accidents because people who drink and drive are anathema to me. There is no excuse. They are dangerous even when, like today, they are driving at 40 and pretending they are in control. I hate drink drivers.

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