
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 09

We had a pretty laid back Easter. It was family and sociable stuff. It was just great because normally it is the pop ins or the one meal. this time we spent a lot of time together just relaxing and laughing. and doing things together We had some great home cooked meals and it was a revival of the times when people had the time just to be there together and enjoy each other's company. Likewise today . Friends came to visit and it was simple and sociable. The neighbours had got back after lunch from their caravaning trip after lunch and others just seemed to have spent their Easter weekend like me...with family and friends just doing simple things. It wasn't an event. It was really nice time together and that's what a lot of people seemed to be doing. Lots of shops were closed to so those workers had had a chance to be with their families...and it's a great pity the graffiti daubers didn't have a place to go...I have a few suggestions...makes the area look like crap and if that's all people have for a life, tagging...they need to sod off and get something decent to do. It just looks horrible and those taggers should be just be put to work in the community. It is so ugly and stupid.

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