
Friday, April 10, 2009


I am getting there. I currently have it bolted onto an ethernet connection on my modem router and it goes like a bomb. It ought to. It has 2 gigabytes of ram. At work it is fine on the wifi access and drops out now and again but at home it is still sluggish and unreliable. I hate going on the wifi at home with it. PC wins hands down with the home wifi. This is great on the ethernet connection though and all I did was find the lead, plug it in the Apple and plug it in the modem router. Taht easy, that simple. I have made a great newsletter in the Pages application. Now if I can use that, anyone can because I have always been hopeless on desktop publishing programmes. I love iPhoto and have used iTunes , not for music , but for educational/informational services and radio streaming. I wouldn't download music. I value the artwork in albums. Full stop , end of story and I want my own, properly produced copy...complete with song words and art. I have found out that iTunes is more than a music shop and I have been amazed. I hate how everything is on the left hand side of the apple. Considering we set up right..then all to the right except usb and headset ports is better. The number of times I have knocked off that daft magnetic power connection is too many to count. Case of a misplaced, great idea. Doesn't work in practice. Other than that I can say I am finding my place in Apple land. Am still breathing a sigh of relief when I get back onto my PC. Have found one good site, though :

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