
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anzac Day

It is Anzac Day today. The day we remember and it's a day where we think about who we are as a nation and what is in our history. A day to respect those who have fought for us and to remember we have always played our part in history in some remarkable ways. I nearly always hear the dawn service which is near my place. Today I didn't. It has been raining now for 3 days and the relief has let us all sleep at night. This is the first year I haven't heard the dawn service. I don't feel bad about it because Australia is about being Australian. Sleeping after a long haul dry as tinder summer is a good sign. It has poured harder today. So hard my gutters couldn't hold it. It was dark, black and then it just rained and rained. We have been hanging around home with our families. One neighbour is trying to sort out fallen branches in between the rain. Another is having visitors and a third is getting the kids off to sport. My sister is curled up reading a Whodunnit.We have had a day getting the house in order and I baked Anzac biscuits which have had the thumbs up. I got the recipe from our local paper and it's the best Anzac biscuit recipe I have had. The lunch boxes will be happy this week!

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