
Friday, February 27, 2009

Executive Excess

"But he's taking options of up to $20 million, there is one rule for the general work force and another for senior executives in Telstra as well as unfortunately in many other companies in Australia."
This article highlights the thoughts on all of our minds today and I am thankful the media have grabbed hold of this trend in a number of companies and has been examining it very methodically. No scandalising...just getting to the facts, and by crikey, do the facts speak for themselves. We are all looking at companies moving off shore to cut costs, executives resigning with supreme financial gifts and workers who made all the profits being treated very shabbily indeed. Workers are useful while they do all the work which creates all the wealth and profits. So shareholders are pretty happy, CEOs are laughing all the way to the bank as they cheerily wave farewell to their jobs and then the employees are left high and dry and the company either can no longer trade here , it cannot keep on its workers or it loses the long established name it had here.Aussie icons are taking a real broadside. So if the executives were to make the same sacrifices as everyone else is asked to in the company, well, maybe the company would be more viable in Australia. The jobs are going to another country. One of the worst situations which we are experiencing is that companies are using our subsidies and grants to create wealth at the top and then they currently have no obligation to stay here in Australia or stay open. This whole matter needs to be thoroughly examined because it seems to be very much an executive win all round at the expense of common good and in this Sorry, but no. We are all in the same boat here.

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