
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Greenhouse Emissions

Garnaut warns against going it alone - Yahoo!7 News
"Australia could cut emissions to zero, could do it tomorrow - it couldn't actually do it, but if it did do it - it would have almost no effect on global warming.

Well, having read that I am not sure what to think. Did we want to cut greenhouse emissions tomorrow? Can we or can't we? Do we care about greenhouse emissions? We don't think if we make a grand effort it will make a big impact because we are about 22 million people and the air in this part of the world comes form other parts. The air isn't ours to keep. It moves around. I think we know that. Would we want to do the best possible for greenhouse emissions? I'd say yes. I think it's in our spirit to clean the air and environment and I think it's in our spirit to show the way. If we sit here thinking we should just not bother because it wouldn't make a lot of difference, then I don't think it's how we approach things. We are always fighting the odds here but it doesn't stop us from getting off our bottoms and doing something positive and good. I think we do need to work with  others but we are in a good position to trial things here and then help others clean up their act.

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