
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Child Abuse

AdelaideNow... Abuse hotline 'blackout'
"This situation is absolutely critical, children are at risk and families are at risk, our members cannot cope any longer," Mr Christopher said. "With the lack of staffing in such a vital area, they are determined to take action."

They are not going to be able to answer the hotlines at night. They need extra staff and it's the sort of job where people have to look after themselves because they would be dealing with high maintenance, distraught and angry people. They need sane conditions. I am surprised they don't take recourse to technology and set up a secure website and chat facility. It would take the pain out of a lot of it but I suppose there are issues with all of that. It's important to consider how people are deployed and treated but online faciltiies could make use of older people as monitors and mentors and that might take the strain off in the front line.

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