
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Student Brawl

200 students involved in school brawl
"It's taking a lot of resources for a bunch of idiots who took the law into their own hands," he said.

Is it on You Tube? Mobile phones seem to catch a lot of vile footage these days but I suppose the police know that. Parents must wonder why they send their children to school when there are students there who just want to make the place revolting , unpleasant and hostile. The students who behave in this fashion are not socialised and really do not belong in places where there are other also is making virtual schools look more and more appealing and we have the technology to provide online education. I guess it's not practical to round up the anti social ones and put them away but I do think we need to get back to the place where anti social behaviour is considered as that and not tolerated. The boundaries need to be clear because this fuzzy approach to life is making it unpleasant and dangerous for everyone.We have become too tolerant n many ways and so the message is ...crack down! At least the police managed to sort it out, but putting students and staff at risk like that is not on and parents don't want to spend their whole day worrying if their kids are brawling instead of being in class. Have we been too kind?

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