
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Malnourished Sheep

RSPCA probe over malnourished sheep - ABC News
"We had 10mm of rain here yesterday which didn't help - obviously malnutrition - and, yeah, they were pretty sad."

I'd like to pass judgement but I shall keep my mouth shut and try to think. We had a horrendous summer. it would have driven many of our farmers to the wall. It would have impacted on their whole way of being. you would have to be pretty tough to work on the land and not be affected by out lack of water. So the sheep are probably a symptom of our lack of water and someone who just cannot cope any more. To truck the sheep from broken Hill to SA seems rather odd, but where was the truck headed? Putting 400 emaciated sheep on a truck would have been heart breaking. There has to be a reason.I could sit here and say you shouldn't do it. Maybe there was no other option because Broken Hill has been hit by incredibly bad weather and I daredevil someone was trying to make a good decision even though it looks like they haven't. I really think there will be a lot of heartache and heart break behind this story.When people are pushed to the wall and their limit they do very irrational things.

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