
Monday, September 22, 2008


How about more Hindi courses, say Indians in Australia
'Learning Hindi has opened up many opportunities. It will be of great help if I choose to work in India as I can now interact with different people with ease,' Jasmine Sodhi, who migrated here at the age of eight, told IANS.

This is where advertising does some real good. We can now relate to the fact that Chinese people speak Chinese and because a lot of schools have taught Japanese then Chinese characters and Chinese is not so foreign to us. The Australia-China worls hard to bridge the pas. Indian people need to get out there and show us their culture and their language because most Australians just know nothing about Hindi. they don't even know where to start. you can find learnign chinese things online and Chinese people are helping us to learn their language because they are more confident about mixing. It's about that bilingual, bicultural approach. So, the Indians need to start some PR and guide us along the path. Show us how to get started and what to start with.If they become teachers then their language will come into schools as did Greek, German and Italian.  You need the bicultural people to light the way.

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