
Monday, September 22, 2008

George Michael

AdelaideNow... George Michael sorry for drugs bust
"In a strange way I've spent the last 15 to 20 years trying to derail my own career, but it never seems to suffer," he said. "I suffer like crazy. I've suffered bereavements and public humiliations, but my career always seems to right itself like a plastic duck in the bath."

You know the thing about a cry for help? This guy is rich, he's famous , he's intelligent and understands what is going on and yet, he is powerless to help himself. I feel so sorry for him because he has got himself into all sorts of muddles and clearly has some problems which have not been addressed. I'd like to think he has friends who can get him on the right track and I'd like to think there's a way of getting to him so that he can help himself.When people cannot help themselves then we have to find ways and means of helping them because the inability to help themselves is the problem. It generally suggests they have some awful stuff to deal with that they cannot confront by themselves...hence the blotting out behaviour. I just hope George Micheal has some good friends.

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