
Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Happy wanderer brings the good news |
ARE you happy? That's the simple question the Government of Bhutan asked its people in a nationwide census. An incredible 97% said they were.

Bhutan has happiness high on its agenda and Karma Tshiteem the secretary of Bhutans's Gross national happiness Commission is in Melbourne for a mental health conference. There is more to life than income. There is more to life than four walls. We are starting to come to realise that our consumer society is not bringing us unbridled happiness. Hopefully the conference will look at ways and means we can improve social factors to increase our happiness. Right now Adelaide could do with a better happiness factor and it would be interesting to know what is rattling us...because we are annoyed at the moment. It's important to monitor happiness because it affects productivity and social relationships. People tend to get hooked on random unhappiness and so bring others down. It can be catching. Not many people seem to be hooked on random happiness.We should focus on lightening up.

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