
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Financial Facts

Fury at $2.5bn Lehman bonus - Times Online
STAFF at Lehman’s New York office who helped to cause the world’s biggest corporate bankruptcy are to share in a $2.5 billion bonanza.

Even though there are plenty of routine articles about the current global financial crisis, there are also plenty of articles to give hope that the world is not as gullible as it was. Financial markets are manipulated. The level of acceptable manipulation is now in question. There are some really good thinkers out there and they will be the people who paint the picture and help us to achieve  balance. When you inflate and inflate, when you create wealth on dubious foundations, when finance is  based on a bit of this and a bit of that...and it inflates and inflates till it goes pop, well, yes, there is a lot to be learned. Free enterprise tends to operate on  the basis that bad luck if you didn't see it coming. You should have looked out for yourself. So now we are starting to get people who are working out how this all happens and then what we might do to better protect ourselves. The sound thinking which ought to have been in place before but was dazzled by the bling bling. People love money. They need to look at the price...and then they need to look at what is fair and reasonable, because , basically, that is the kind of world we want to live in.

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