
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Barack Obama

Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.), rebounds the ba...Image via Wikipedia
Aussie bets $50,000 on Obama win | The Australian
Mr Obama's odds have shortened as polls put him further in front and big money continues to come in support of the Democratic candidate, the bookmaker said.

The world is changing and we need to be looking at new leadership models to fit in with our changes. People are more open and want to connect. From where we sit, Barack Obama is someone we can relate to. He is human, he is engaging and he talks a lot of sense. He is not cobwebby and dusty. America does need to create a friendlier international face which other countries feel they can deal with. We want a world where we can all negotiate. We want a world where we can discuss and debate and participate as equals. There will always be a dominant culture like there is always a person who dominates a group, but we want to so operate as nations. We are so over the adversarial stance and Barack Obama is able to build relationships just by being himself and that is so important. he has international appeal. He is someone we feel we'd like to meet.

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