
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teaching Performance

NY schools boss backs move to sack under-performing teachers - ABC News
He has told the program he has had great success from sacking a school's entire teaching staff and starting from scratch.

Good way to get rid of more expensive units and bring in cheaper ones. The schools were redesigned to be smaller schools and they were more successful. I could well imagine that. Haven't teachers been asking for smaller classes and haven't we shut down the small schools? There is a lot more to this than meets the eye and I suspect cost cutting is actually the bottom line. It is being pushed far too hard with no real reason. Our teachers are head hunted overseas. Britain is employing a lot of Australian teachers because they make classrooms the articles have been saying. If you sack whole staffs then you then create a pool of experienced staff you can rehire as casuals. Nifty. Lots cheaper. Our young teachers are going to places like Korea and Africa and some would rather work in volunteer programmes than here. If you can be sacked just like that, it's hardly a bright and shiny future and no incentive for older teachers to stay either. No, I think we need to look deeper. This is being pushed too hard all of a sudden.

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