
Wednesday, August 27, 2008



is really is helpful and I have added the RSS feed for the ScribeFire blog to my Bloglines feed and I did it from my ScribeFire window. It has some pretty handy features for publishing and sharing. It lists your blog posts so you can navigate easily to them. On this blog it seems to have decorated my blog with tram tracks...or am I being railroaded? It hasn't done that on my other it tries to be helpful . The blog gives you updates and they appear to have canvassed user opinions and ideas and that is a great way to go about getting people involved and helping them to move your ideas forward. It's facilitative!! You can use it to gain advertising revenue, but I don't use Paypal or give anyone my tax ID. Safety first , isn't it? Adsense doesn't make you do that. Maybe it's only for America. I haven't had a chance to look in detail. I find it very convenient for blogging and it is so much more this century.

Oh, how odd...I only get tram tracks if I blog about an article. If I don't I am not encased in blue stripes!!! I checked. PayPal and Tax ID are not compulsory fields or requirements.

Editing is soooooo easy....and I have just worked out how to add the tram tracks!!! How clever am I and thanks for the tip!!

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