
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saving the Murray

Emergency inquiry for Murray-Darling
The Senate today voted for a lightning inquiry which has just one month to find a solution to the woes of Australia's biggest river system.

Oh hooray, at last. Action. The time for talk and discussion is past. We need conversations and ideas which will move this whole thing forward because we have been prevaricating for too long. The Howard Govt hummed and hahed...we have been going on and on and on...meanwhile the Murray has been devastated and we have done little. It is our river. It's the lifeblood of our nation and we all need to take responsibility for it. We have been paying a River Murray levy for how long? Indirect tax which we have given in return for a dried up Goolwa and the heritage Coorong under real threat. It is inexcusable. We need to act and we will do anything to help....but we are totally past being treated like fools and played for suckers.

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