
Saturday, August 23, 2008

The People's Quiz

BBC - The People's Quiz : "Now’s your chance to get ahead. Do you have gaps in your knowledge or do you know more than you think you do?"

I am a sucker for quiz questions in spite of not doing terribly well. I just like doing quizzes and questionnaires. i like answering questions! I think it's because I get a chance to learn as I am doing them and the result really doesn't bother me. I just like knowing things. There are quizzes galore here to try your hand at and if you are good at quizzes they would be a good training ground. Surprisingly I am not at all fond of quiz programs. We don't get this one here but we have quiz programmes of our own which are popular. I hate them. They drive me crazy. They are too drawn out. I prefer paper quizzes or quizzes on the net. I love Net usually get instant feed back.

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