
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Millennium mayhem

'Millennium kids' disrupting schools: primary principals - ABC News
A new report has found that increasing numbers of Australian primary school children are inattentive, disruptive, undermotivated and disengaged.

Am I surprised? No. Don't you get the feeling in 2008 that we have changed? Don't you get the feeling this year that the world is reformatting into a more technological new age world? Videos are common. Facebook is huge. I bet more kids are on the Net than watching TV. DVDs are probably more popular than television as well. We have our iPhones, our MP3 players. We have naked DSL. These kids are growing up in a different world. Yet...we still have fixed hours, all of us, and at work and probably at school as well we have far less access to adequate technology that we now see as common place. When you talk to people , you find they have a lot of interests these days. The Net is not all crap. It is not all bad You Tube clips. You Tube has good stuff too. I expect these kids go about heir lives differently and books and pens don't mean a lot. When did I last resort to pen and paper and I got brought up on the stuff? When did I last post a letter? When did I sit and watch the news? I tend to revolve around the Net. I contact people online. I watch things online. My world has changed and I am a lot happier because of it. It means I can do what I want when I want to and it means I can get up and do other things. I find it hard to sit and sit and sit. I find it hard to work the hours I am told to work when the stuff I have at home is far more efficient than my workplace stuff. I accomplish more in half an hour at home than I do in 2 hours at work.The article also refers to "helicopter parents." Brilliant expression. Brilliant. So, don't these parents have to go to work? Surely they are not so self absorbed they think the world revolves around the needs of their child? We need to hear what is being said. If children don't appear to be sleeping and eating properly and if their manners are lacking...then the parents aren't doing a good job of regulating lifestyle. Why is that?

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