
Friday, August 29, 2008


Toorale purchase won't fix Murray-Darling | The Australian
But the thrust of the Greens' push remains for a Senate committee to report by the end of September what volume of water could be provided from across the basin to replenish the lower lakes and Coorong at the Murray's mouth.

I don't think anyone believes the purchasing of properties will put much water into the Murray. Certainly not sufficient to bring the flow down this way. The situation in Goolwa needs to be remedied now and they are talking about flooding the area with sea water but protecting the fresh water lakes with barriers. They want water. They need water. Now.... so just get on with it and do it and listen to people. There has been far too much talk and no action and the situation has become an ecological disaster because no one thought to listen to people when they were talking about the way people were using and damming the Murray. The drought has complicated it but people are responsible for this. It's our main river. Our lifeblood. We are the ones who have messed this up because we haven't looked at water use and exploitation along the Murray. Then we have been too slow at getting our technology and better land practices into place. Here is a real chance to haul together, get the experts onboard AND LISTEN TO THEM. There needs to be an inmmediate fix for Goolwa and then the rest of it needs to be resolved ...and maybe without politicians because they just blow moe and more hot air about it. They have been for far too long. We need proper thought and planning not position bargaining. We could impress ourselves if we actually accessed our expertise and used a facilitiative approach.

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