
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Plastic bag ban divides ministers

Plastic bag ban divides ministers : "VICTORIAN shoppers will pay up to 25c for plastic bags and South Australians will be banned from using them as the two states go it alone after the nation's environment ministers yesterday failed to agree on a national approach."

It is time to bag the bags and we lived without them before and we shall live without them again and the environment will be a lot happier and healthier because we have given up our dependency on plastic bags. We are so dependent on them. Around the shops you hear people saying "before they take them off us"...." before we have to do without..." It's a real deprivation model and it's astounding people cannot seem to see a path that is plastic bag free. We live in a state which lobbied hard to get rid of them and even here we have people so attached to them. They are plastic bags for crying out loud. Bring back the string bag. Get a little light weight bag. I made my Mum a couple she could just roll up in her bag. They were colourful , durable and easy to carry. She could even put them in her coat pocket. I was over at Bunnings yesterday where I seem to be living at the moment and they are quick with the offer of boxes if you need something to carry plants or bits and pieces. You can also pay 10 cents for a bag. I have never actually seen one being used at our Bunnings which is hugely busy. Bottom line? Bunnnings donates all the 10 cent levies to an environmental fund and has collected about 180 000 dollars for the environmental cause they espouse. Now that is good business, good sense and good customer relations.

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