
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Aussies crying out for Vegemite

HK Aussies crying out for Vegemite : "A spokeswoman for one of Hong Kong's two main supermarket chains Wellcome said suppliers had blamed the shortage on a change of the company that packages Vegemite for export in Australia."

This is a crisis! You can't let Australians go without Vegemite! Unthinkable. They will have the screaming heebie jeebies in Hong Kong if they don't get their Vegemite. Okay, so those who have rellies visiting will be able to get supplies. Honestly...swapping companies for packaging holds up production?? How weak. That is not advertising you are good at trouble shooting, preparation and planning. Transitioning to a new packaging company should not hold up production and airlifting much needed supplies to expat Australians in Hong Kong. Hm...poor little Vegemites.

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