
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Le smirting

Smirting - Wikipédia: "Le smirting (/'smɜːtɪŋ/) est une nouvelle pratique de séduction consistant à flirter tout en fumant à l'extérieur d'un lieu public au sein duquel le tabagisme est interdit (lieu de travail, café, restaurant, etc.) — le terme est d'ailleurs un mot-valise formé à partir de « smoking » et « flirting », qui désignent respectivement le fait de fumer et de flirter."

Only the French could do this!! They have a new word brought about by their laws anti-tabac which came into force on the 1st January this year. I know, I know, about time because we have been doing it for years. We are not allowed to smoke in restaurants etc etc. It's just come in in France but it has taken very little time for the French to realise that these laws have had a wonderful spin off. It's almost like speed dating. They have the word "flumer" for "flirting" and "fumer" (smoking) but they seem to be going with "le smirting" ...smoking and flirting. So while you are outside having your smoke break you can use it as a time to meet and greet and perhaps go back inside more hopeful than when you went out...because outside you have something to talk about...the cold, the smoking habit, the time you are wasting...but you can also borrow someone's lighter and strike up a conversation....ah, l'amour.

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