
Friday, March 28, 2008

2020 summit

AdelaideNow... Full list of participants: "HERE is the full list of 1000 participants in Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's 2020 summit."

This is history in the making and these people are going to help make history. It's good to see the list and it is great to have 1000 Australians now who will provide some intense input into the future development of our country. it will change us. We are already changed. We are ready to talk more readily about the things which are affecting us. We are not rushing around all the time. We have started to listen to each other and in doing that we have been formulating thoughts and ideas which can be used. it takes time to create positive change. It is not something you do on the run because to build something sound , you have to think and pay attention. It's been great. Just great. We are over the snap decisions, the expedience and the jargonistic clap trap which have all amounted to smoke and mirrors....nothing. Not even fresh air.

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