
Friday, February 01, 2008

Spears 'classified as gravely disabled'

AdelaideNow... Spears classified as gravely disabled;: "Spears was taken to the UCLA Medical Centre at about 8.30am (last night AEDT) and was to be placed on a 5150 hold, the involuntary confinement of a person deemed a danger to themselves or others, celebrity website said."

I am no fan of Britney Spears. I have been watching and listening. She is 26 and yes, she has made a complete clot of herself and no one has helped. Not an ounce of understanding or compassion. Just cameras there at the ready to film and televise her every mistake and every failing...and yes, she has made a lot of mistakes and failed frequently because she is obviously very ill and incredibly unstable. Ill from drugs. Ill from her head space. I am no doctor.Ill. The lady is sick. I am relieved someone has taken her into care and I hope she will finally get some care. There is a so much pressure on stars and the world is cruel and relentless. They are pushed and pushed because a lot of people make money from them and in the end they must get swamped by it all and they become broken and then more money is made from high profiling how broken they are. At no stage do we, as a society, take these people in hand and look after them. We don't take them out of the limelight and look after their needs and wellbeing and give them a chance. We just let them continue to make thorough twits of themselves until they no longer want to live. It used to be bear baiting. Now it's star baiting. They had better not show any signs of weakness or we just go in for the kill. I hope they can make her well. I hope she can get some peace of mind. I hope she will be able to be a mother to her children because she seems to want to be and yet she keeps messing it up. She's 26. Just 26 and she needs help and guidance.Sadly, we cannot help everyone. We need to at least try instead of putting more and more pressure on unstable people.

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