
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Rann lashes out at Mitsubishi chief

Rann lashes out at Mitsubishi chief : "'I do think the head of Mitsubishi in Tokyo should have come down and made the announcement himself and fronted up to the workers down there who have shown much more loyalty to Mitsubishi than Mitsubishi in Japan has shown to their workers,' Mr Rann said."

That part is so true. The workers at Mitsubishi have made that a solid plant for years. The workforce there has always been a workforce which we have respected here in SA because they are solid, reliable workers who have run a tight ship and any problems have appeared to be effectively resolved. We all know people who have worked at Mitsubishi. We all know about it in SA. It has community respect. That doesn't come easily and word gets around pretty fast here because we are a small community relatively speaking. At once stage it was held up as a plant which used best practice in the workplace. It was hot on the new workplace initiatives. These people have given a lot to us. I understand why Mitsubishi has hit the wall. They cannot compete with the other cars on today's market. Mazdas have taken over, Holdens are becoming increasingly popular and Toyotas have always been a favourite. Mitsubishi was popular in the days of the Sigma station wagons and the Magna was always a popular family car. Not any more. There is nothing they have which is competitive and catches our eye. So the workers are lost. I know Premier Rann has been on the phone trying to find alternatives and he has been advocating for the workers . He is doing his bit and the Mitsubishi people do have good skills which hopefully they can transfer to other industries. What will become of the plant because it is just about an icon here?

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