
Monday, February 04, 2008

Clinton, Obama 'in dead heat'

Clinton, Obama ;in dead heat&;: "With 24 states holding nominating contests from coast to coast on Tuesday, the candidates crisscrossed the country, leading rallies and urging supporters to get out and vote."

One more sleep to super Tuesday. Having heard some of the speeches I can quite understand why this is such a close call. Hillary Clinton would make a very good woman president and she has confidence and speaks very well. Mr. Obama talks the talk and comes up with some interesting perpectives and ideas. He is really on the ball and may well be that breath of fresh air with the oxygen that America needs to turn itself into a much more positive place. Hlliary Clinton would run a tight and steady ship. Mr. Obama would generate life and enthusiasm. It is all too hard even from here. The Americans need to think about it and then get out and vote because they so deserve a change and someone who will let them flourish.

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