
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Apology 'on behalf of parliament'

Apology 'on behalf of parliament': "THE planned apology to the stolen generations will be made on behalf of the Australian parliament, rather than just the government, if every coalition MP votes to support it, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has told Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson."

Wouldn't that be wonderful? Wouldn't it be great if this parliament could be the one to set the picture straight? Wouldn't it be fantastic if 2008 were the year where our parliament could actually stand together and do something our country has needed for a long time? Acknowledge our horrible history. Make amends and mend the fences? Make it a formal, official gesture and it would be better if the whole country could get behind this move and declare we are all on the same page now. We are Australians ready to move forward together? As soppy as it might seem it's an incredibly important thing to do, to acknowledge the harm our history has done to one sector of the community...and our indigenous community at that. The oldest people on the planet should be honoured.

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