
Friday, January 18, 2008

Kindergarten sex lesson anger

Kindergarten sex lesson anger : "They were taught what a penis and a vagina was, which I don't think they should in kinder."

I always remember teaching my daughter body parts when she was little and when we came to words like vagina and penis after words like hands, nose, feet, ears...the look on her face was priceless and she called them banana and peanut because they were much more logical in the scheme of things. My belief has always been we have bodies and they have bits. All bits are equal and we should refer to them normally. As for boys putting their hands down little girls' pants, well, that's another issue and needs to be cleared up. We have such a thing about certain body parts and you can see already that even children at a young age pick up on it. The boys need to be set very straight and children do need to be taught protective behaviours because they are often victims and it sickens me we take away their innocence to protect them, but it can be done in an easy manner without all the fuss. We are adults, we can manage this!

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