
Friday, January 25, 2008

Killers smile at sentencing

Killers smile at sentencing : "The hearing continues."

Does anyone want to hear anymore because this seems so very cruel, so heartless and the two girls appear to think there is not a problem in killing Stacey Mitchell in such a cold blooded, brutal fashion and then putting her in a wheelie bin. I know we have to face up to having some very disturbed girls and young women in our society and I suppose we need to be able to understand what has created them. They will be hard to relate to and difficult to deal with because in order to understand them you have to be able to create some links. I don't know if we have the capacity to link to people like this and I think we would find it very distressing to manage and be with them so that we would be able to try and work them out. Certainly they are not people we can be safe with and certainly we need to know what went wrong so that we do not do it again. I am not at all sure how Stacey Mitchell's family are managing to hear all of this because she was only 16. The two girls even videoed themselves so they are quite detached in their behaviour and it might be their way of paying us back for whatever they perceive we have done to them as a society but I cannot see them being rehabilitated and it will take some expert experts to manage this. I cannot see how 15 years in jail will help them and it will probably put other prisoners at risk of being as detached as they are so we spread this kind of thinking. In certain respects we have to detach ourselves and listen so we can share the trauma of Stacey's family but we also have to ensure this kind of behaviour is stopped now at this point and is encouraged no further. I think experts need to manage this whole thing and the law will have to take its course but hearing it? Too hard.

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