
Monday, October 15, 2007

Signal problems delay trams

Signal problems delay trams: "The trams, which at the time were supposed to run every 7.5 minutes, were not running for at least 40 minutes from about 2.30pm."

The running in problems will annoy us but they will not put us off and we'll understand. If work was anything to go by today, we were all pretty excited about the new trams and the way it'll open up the city and help with the traffic flow. With any luck we can cut down cars in the city and help contribute to a cleaner environment. We were also talking of how important it is to get the rail and light rail systems going for the outlying areas. it'll connect us better and take the strain off the roads and help provide us all with cleaner air. It's the way to, reliable , public transport. Roll on the trams!

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