
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Malcolm Turnbull

Turnbull rallies Liberals for 2010 election win - ABC News
"I think he will take advantage of whatever opportunity is put in from of him and make it hard for Rudd."

Well yes, he is not frightened to speak up. He can be a bit quixotic in his moods whereas Brendan Nelson always had the considered response. Malcolm Turnbull is well credentialled and has a very good mind but he can become exasperated by silly people. Brendan Nelson just used to let it  wash over him and that was an asset, but the country seems to need a new face every week so now we have a new face to head the opposition. We'll see how this talking head goes, because Malcolm Turnbull can be quite determined. We'll see. It is a tough job at the top as Brendan nelson found out. At work there was interest in this leadership race and we were keeping tabs on it all day. I haven't known that to happen before. We are a lot better informed than we used to be and the country is creating some interesting moves.Anyway, Brendan Nelson can now sit back and get a bit of peace and quiet. He lost by 4 votes this time and won by 3 the last time.They obviously have some swinging votes there.

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