
Monday, October 22, 2007

Press Club meets to discuss 'worm' fallout

Press Club meets to discuss 'worm' fallout : "'My view is that there should be independent debate commission in Australia, we should have an independent body that sets the terms and conditions for these leaders' debates,' he said."

I turned over to Channel 9 after the debate on Channel 2 and saw that Ray Martin and the lady with him were discussing the worm in a very intelligent way. They, and others, appeared to be enjoying dissecting the worm and the comments were fair and reasonable. I then came on the Net and found out the worm had been blocked but Channel 9 had hijacked the Sky feed and then delivered what they had promised by the use of our technology. It has created a really healthy fall out because it is being discussed and it's being considered and everyone has a point of view. I haven't heard this kind of interest in positively ages, so the humble worm is doing its bit for democracy. I don't actually like the worm. I just like to hear people talk and think what I think. I think the worm is a bit silly, but that is me and it is not the case for all of us. Some people really enjoy the worm. In any case I thought it was hilarious when Channel 9 hijacked the Sky worm. It was just so 2007. We do need open conditions for the debates, but we also need to tailor the debates to different audiences so that all people feel involved. That , to me, is the critical issue. So I am glad we are discussing it hot and fast but if our leaders are so easily put off public debate because of the meanderings of a worm, then I think they need to come up to speed. They need to know they are mightier than the worm and it's just a worm!!

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