
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Debate II: Return of the worm?

Debate II: Return of the worm? : "'Nonetheless, I look forward to a robust exchange of views about the economic opportunities and challenges we face now and in the future.'"

I love it. It's what we need. We need to lighten up and we need to hear people talking and who would've thought a worm could have that much clout? It's hilarious. Most people seem to like the worm, but here are debate purists like me who just like to hear the talk and let my own mind do the judging. For a lot of people, the worm is the thing they react to and then they start talking and discussing and I suppose it's bec ause we live in a visual world and a world of polls and opinion generators. So be it. Let people have what they need to get their brains going so they can participate in this election. For once we have people talking about all the aspects of politics...some pretty heavy duty and some very light hearted. it's all good. If the networks have any sense they'll do like they did Sunday and let Channel 9 run the worm and let the ABC do the straight , unadorned version. Catering to people's needs is all part and parcel of being inclusive and teaching people to participate in politics. it can only be good for the politicians and good for us because it's livelier.

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