Young men in battle of the bulge : "MEN as young as their mid-30s are now at the front line in the battle of the bulge, a shift experts say precedes a surge in cases of chronic disease and even cancer in much younger age groups."
Men actaully seem to find it harder to get back into shape once they have let themselves go, particularly if they are battling depression . This is something they are reluctant to admit to as well. We have found at work that if we, as women, talk about health issues out loud and openly and we make an effort to get ourselves fitter and healthier, it has actually had an impact on the men. More men are cycling to work ( which we wouldn't do as women). More men are bringing wonderfully healthy lunch boxes because we have covertly been showing them how to have the best lunch. Men need to be encouraged because they often think the weight will just go and they will return to their former selves in next to no time. We have taught them to get ready for the long haul and do it a bit at a time. In exchange the men have helped us keep our spirits up through some tough emotional issues lots of us have been having. They have been keeping us on the right path and they have given us some good ideas for managing. Team effort!
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