
Friday, August 24, 2007

We're the lucky, but anxious, country

We're the lucky, but anxious, country : "'Fear makes you hyper-vigilant to certain things in the makes you scan the environment for threats and can make you miss out on the more worthwhile things,' she said."

The fearfest has been a lovely feature of our new world. The constant attention to the fearful and the fear inducing has been our constant diet for quite some time now. It's a pretty odd way to run things because most leaders strive to put people's fears at bay and they take action to create safety and security. Enough has been said about how you can manipulate the masses through fear but then we feed ourselves by not letting go.Enough has been said about how we are frequently told we shall be safer this way only to find out we are exposed to yet another set of traumas. We are constantly allowed to be traumatised. The artists call it the age of nightmare and it tends to go with right wing views historically speaking. We are afraid to lighten up. We are allowed to feel one tragedy after another. We are constantly involved in dramatic and traumatic events and there is the neverending speculation about doom and gloom. It's wonderfully refreshing to be with cheerful, positive people and lots of people just avoid the mainstream media , have moved away from television and newspapers and have fed their positive selves. Negative is as negative does and our leaders are so consistently negative. If I ever hear a cheerful, optimistic politician it'll come as a grand surprise. Our politicians used to be very positive in their outlook...but we are also caught up in the profit and productivity loop so we just cannot escape the constant diminishing of our happiness. It's a challenge. We just have to know what we are prepared to accept. I've used constant far too many times...but the fearfest is a constant. We could take action.

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