
Friday, August 10, 2007


AdelaideNow... Email spam 'at all time high': "'The overall increase in spam follows an intense period of malicious spam activity, notably the widespread and prolonged distribution of fake greeting cards which contain links to the Storm Trojan,'' Mr Anstis said."

I am very careful to clean my computer once a week for parasites and other nasties. It has just become routine maintenance. I have to admit I am not suffering from an excess of spam because my internet provider seems to be very efficient at dealing with it and my online email account from another site has a very efficient spam filter. I'd just like to be able to ping all the stupid emails back to the senders but I know this isn't possible. I'd love for them to get it all back so that it would mess up their computers for a long, long time. Spam is so unnecessary,so invasive and so unbelievably tacky. 'Bout time the spammers got a life.

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