
Thursday, August 02, 2007

One month for 'hoon driver'

AdelaideNow... One month for 'hoon driver':

"Surprisingly, Hill said the laws were to be commended.

'They are well within their rights to do this because more and more people are dying on our roads,' he said.

'It's not all just because of people like me, though.'"

It's interesting how there is no connection between what appears to be rational and helpful thinking and irrational, unlicenced, irresponsible driving. It would be interesting to know what goes on in his head at the time of the offences. It would be interesting to know what he thinks we should do besides putting dangerous drivers in gaol and it would be really interesting to know what else he considers to be the reasons for road deaths. Like it or not , he is the next generation. Like it or not he is old enough to be a a father. Like it or not what he says is not unreasonable but what he has done repeatedly is really risky and dangerous. How does he marry all those ideas in his head? Are the rules for everyone but they do not apply to him when he breaks them? Does he think behaving dangerously is okay as long as he doesn't get caught and as long as nothing bad happens? Can he do as he pleases but the consequences are there if it all goes wrong. He really needs to be listened to because some of what he is saying and doing provides a key to the behaviour patterns we need to get rid of.

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