
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The fast-track cancer cures

The fast-track cancer cures : "“I find it hugely impressive that people should agree to take part,” says Professor Gribben. “You get very motivated to do something, when you’re working with the patients who are directly affected by cancer."

I actually find this quite heartening. I know it wouldn't be for everyone but Bart's hospital in London has a team of scientists, headed by Professor Gribben, which is trying experimental treatments on those who have been left to die of the disgusting disease. They speak of a lady who had non Hodgins' lymphoma. The experimental treatment worked for her. The worst thing about cancer is that bit when you are just sent home and no one wants to look after you anymore. The treatments and the disease have taken their toll. It is immensely cruel. One way or another we have to find something which works and as the article quite rightly points out, what works for some does not work for others. My mother's friend, who had had the same disease and treatment was at her funeral and so embarrassed. It was part of our job , as we grieved, to relieve her of the guilt she felt. It really isn't fair. When doctors and scientists are working with real people they will get feed back and they will relate to the issues and problems. There is something very real about it all which tends to suggest they will develop more treatments this way even if it is not a programme all would want. I have no doubt that people with cancer are immensely caring and they care as much about others as they do themselves. They are very strong, courageous people. Some of them will pioneer cures for us. I thank them for that.

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