
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Banana Paper

Welcome to Papyrus Australia:

"Banana trees only live for about a year, and after the bunch is harvested, the tree is allowed to rot down. In Banana trees, the fibres run the full length of the tree, compared to around 1mm in wood-chip. Our process takes advantage of the properties of this waste material, in a process that has more similarities to the production of plywood than to paper. No toxic chemicals or water is needed, and the process uses a fraction of the energy of a typical wood-chip paper plant"

I blogged a while ago about the research into growing plastic in banana leaves which could then be harvested and used. Well, the good old banana leaves are now providing us with waterproof paper! It is totally environmentally friendly and such a fantastic idea. Now we just need zucchini pens, cucumber pencils, squash erasers...Actually, it would solve the problem of pen chewers if we had edible pens! And you wouldn't have to die of hunger before morning could rip into your stationery. Love it even more now I've thought about it!

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